
Dyc splayer solo es para plastidiñ
Dyc splayer solo es para plastidiñ

T rec bedroomb d llv lug room.! ofllces Garage L ill of Brick on massive Stone founoatlon Í (UPL CURL, tieer Bc»ch und Manly buj oecan V- e v -Lots i7 v 110 £65 deposit £_ monthĬcWO-Wa oi fiontage 3Yt acree cut into liveĬ c V BROUGHTON and CO 38 Martin Place / OUG1L BLIGH l8 ELL VAT ED BUNGALOW V- PRICE £13o0 Valuer General £3b00 U ei v elandan double Ga »agc Hl_h position i ly transport All convenience- Price only P9G IIOM-S AGENCY PTY LTD 15 Bligh St 5ġ V HOI MNG and CO PTY LTD 15 Mártir PI / üNCO-tD £40 DepOJlt y I ouole fiontcd Brlcl Cottage 3 Bedrooms large COMO-Lots 19 _0 40 MULY4N ST "liO each Ü IO -Lot 'b BULUMIN ST £50 Other lots i. L U O- Lots 134 1J9 GIRR MILLN SI ¿Jj each v. I !!U ULLA J minutes new lullvvi-y station - *- \ caiheiboard Cottage land 90 \ 1J2 5 rooms -ni uij ele electric lignt water dralnj aecordlrg ou ie.ll. R-c veiandahs sewoied ctr early JONES 'i _I B ly Rd Concord, first section Lurwood I (jj each 2 Lois Pines Estate Miranda 100 »: 0 CO the 2 2 Lots President Avenue 100 i I cup i.lb0 2 Blocs cloie Station each 00ft Modem Bungalow 4 rooms latest appointment Jįield (at Biatlon) Burwood (McKlmms Corner) I ONULLA near School -High Bloc- 43 \ 105 i. I ti ui s station, handy shops sewered Car-vge ellice Price £4 5 J H Youngman li-Beam'shĮe Cnmp le UA3091 Open All Day Saturd ly I ( vi" 1KRBURY-Double fronted Brick BUNG 4 V_ LCW 4 large rooms sleep out gara.e scv ered tiUiJWOOD-Attractive Nev/ Bun"alov handy V to cveijtlilng 4-ooms kitchen Gara_e £1.50 HONULL4-New Brick Cottage Ju"t completed \J 1 rooms sun verandah model bathroom V li- ol en electric stove car entrance und tracks £ü"5 ! C ORR and CO 00 viTT STRPET B1201 Hrruld O-co_ /lABIUIATTA-New Cottage 4 rooms and 1-it \j clicn witli elect-le stove 1 minute from sta- ion He-it-l value £6J annum A snap at £400 II PP1TCHARD and CO Cabramatta Llv 4.10 (UOttS NEST-Brick Cottage 1 lurge rooms W I ltehen etc SpoMess condition minute tram lo)j A Snip £750 Cottage 6 1/ rooms laud 40 \ 1J~ garden fruit trcei, IO Jeules s atlou Price £000 Writo first No 0"37 Oi peifeet eonditiou UM73GB All Day On « c1_Phone Lpplm, 1-4_ / Vi LION-Double fionted Brie. I UNCORD WESI Luvely Iloluo £1150 V Modern Brick BuiigaloT 3 mlnute3 Btation IIFTTMWAY and niGOS ASHflELD UU3I7 7 (POAULL1 - Latíase J bedrooma largo lounge (j (I lilli» loom 1 lichen, bathroom laundry con vrnlc ices near surf and railway 7"«7>iii&_ 4 lar.e rooms I ltehen near Croydon ( j Vin school i ood order Owner will sacrifiéeĪIRÙ1DON - Vew Brick Bun.alow Z bedrooms (_/ louuge dining -oom 1 lichen coloured tiled "broon hot water ten Ice i 1175

Dyc splayer solo es para plastidiñ